
[English] Intuiting Introvert Explaination

The intuiting introvert's unique, the ability of creativity and intuition that exceeds that of other types. It can be matched with creative intelligence CQ

Intuiting Introvert Explaination


Miss her? We're back with Lynn's another story. This time, I'm gonna write the article in English because Lynn asked me to do so. Lynn once asked me to write down her story about Ericsson and her misserable self. She was impressed.

Then she asked me to write down about her result of a personality test. It's not a personality test like MBTI, it's way more different from it. This test is based on finger prints. I don't know if that's valid or not, but Lynn has done that. Let's check out her result! 

Intuiting Introvert

That's her test result. She's an intuiting introvert. Introvert doesn't mean that she enjoys being alone rather than hanging out with lots of people. Introvert means that her machine's driven from the inside to the outside.

Some people believe the way this test works, but for Lynn, it's just a test, it won't be 100% true. The function of our brain, the way it works can change by time.

Here's some fact that I found about people with intuiting introvert intelligence machine.


Learning by Intuiting Introvert
  • Try to visualize every case more concretely to make it easier to be given the context and to be broken down.
  • Detail information is thrown away to give more space to design a new idea.
  • Be able to make new breakthroughs.
Alright. Let's compare between reality and the theory. The first point is true. Lynn can understand things if they're visualized more concretly.

Maybe it's becuase Lynn is one of the z generation who prefers visualization to words. The second point is also true. She doesn't like detail information, she likes to be shown the big picture of it. And the last point is subjective.

Lynn's not a creative person, she barely make new breakthroughs, she always does the traditional way. Well, that's Lynn. She's ordinary, just like the other, she's just like me, very ordinary.


Cleverness of intuiting refers to sixth sense, that can also be the creative brain. Sixth sense doesn't mean the ability to see ghost or kind of but it's more like the way they think is out of the box. This cleverness is driven from the inside to the outside, that's why the intuiting introvert people love being the wow trendsetter.
The fact is that Lynn likes to be the trendsetter and she always becomes the trendsetter in her society, in her class, in her organization at college, and of course in her family society.

She's unique in her own way, no.. she rarely thinks out of the box, all she does is trying to figure out what's inside the box and what the box talks about.

But she's confident to be her own self, she likes to learn new language and try to speak using it. And she's easily impressed and laugh at random jokes.


Tips on Talking to the Intuiting
  • Talk about the big picture and its amplification.
  • Talk about possibility.
  • Use the analogy and metaphors.
  • Try to bring their imagination to the world.
  • Don't talk about detail to them.
This third fact is 100% true. I can no more disagree.


Intuiting introvert's roles
  • To be the inisiator becuase they think that their idea is the best one, not the others'.
I have to admit that Lynn is stubborn. She wants thing to go the she wants. She doesn't like to argue, but once she argues, she wants her opinion to be accepted. I know, she looks like she has really big ego.

But that's her. She hates conflict, but once she gets involved, she wants to win the conflict. I don't think Lynn will always be the inisiator in her team, she doesn't always come up with good idea. Sometimes her idea is too imaginative and not realistic.


Intuiting introvert with their chemistry to blow away the words.
Blowing away the words, because it's like "art's for art" for them. It doesn't matter if other people won't like it, as long as they are satisfied with their best work. They don't care what people say about their work.
This fact is absolutely true. Lynn does apreciate her work very much. She doesn't care about what people's gonna say about it. She does what she likes.


Intuiting towards money : Looking for satisfaction because the value of life is on the satisfaction of bringing their idea into reality.
Lynn doesn't really care about how much money she can earn in a month. All she cares about is how to be productive while she still can manage to fulfill her primary needs.

She really wants to be something big, she wants to make a better world for people, she wants to get involved to heal the world. But she can't do that if she still suffers for her own self in fulfilling her primary needs. 


Do you know who Black Widow is? Her face looks stunning, she can play with the words, she's not a widow but she doesn't mind to be called as a widow, she has bright face but people call her black, the unique part of herself is she likes to think otherwise and hang out with older people.
The fact is that older people always treat Lynn like she's a 5 years old kid. For f sake! She's 21 years old. Older people should treat her like the way they treat other young adult. You can tell that Lynn doesn't like hang out with older people.


Big picture
future orientation
diverse patterns
likes fiction story
Big things and strategic
Chemistry : word
The first point's true. The second point's not true. The third point's true. The fourth point's true and it drives Lynn crazy.

The fifth point's true, she likes playing with the various pattern. The sixth point's true too. The seventh point's absolutely true. The eighth point's not true, she doesn't really know how to make good strategic, she's spontaneous.

I don't really understand what the last point is about. Maybe it's true that Lynn has chemistry with word because she likes to write.


Intuiting people have been given the excess DNA at TIMIN for cell synthesis, therefore don't be surprised if intuiting people love to fantasize, and imagine.
Lynn's not that kind of imaginative person. When she stares at the sky, all she can think about is her problems. She doesn't imagine of talking bird flying in the sky or the sun suddenly smiles at her.

No way! She's not that imaginative. The more she grows up, the more she becomes realistic about this life.


Intuiting people have sixth sense. They like to imagine. When they study, they're always focused on how to understand the concept. They easily understand things by illustration, graphic and film.
This tenth fact is true. She always tries to understand the concept so that she doesn't easily forget what she has learned.

Illustration, graphic and film help her more in understanding the concept, of course! I think everyone can relate with this fact.


Work Smart for Intuiting :
  • Target : Synergy, creative, solve the transaction cracks, and road map has been made.
  • Technique : Keep going on with brilliant ideas, breakthrough in production, foresight, and find the difficult knot thoroughly.
  • Organization : Never stuck in one thing, focus on the opportunity that gives better solution, and solve things from side.
  • Function : Produce positive synthesis, be able to be in racing path, quality achievement in class and think out of the box.
Work Smartless for Intuiting :
  • Target : Full of excuses, blind leader, fear of conflict and challenge. 
  • Technique : Create failures, crap creativity, and be cynical.
  • Organization : Crap solution, avoid complexity, stuck and switch off.
  • Function : Raw synthesis, fear of thinking out of the box, stuck in analysis and opinion, crap creativity.
Whole this time, I think Lynn still stucks in work smartless for intuiting. She can relate to all the facts about it.


Intuiting people have chemistry with words that are used to buy the knowledge, shop the perception that grows briliant ideas. If they join the seminar, they won't stop studying, buy the books, because when their work finally produces a real creation, money comes along.
I think everyone can relate to this fact, even Lynn herself!


Intuiting people usually complain about quality of people or things.
Lynn complains about everything in people haha.


Intelligence machine of introvert :
  • Source of stimulus : Inside
  • Philosophy of life : be scared off 
  • How to be motivated : Challenge them so that they want to study
It's better to tell Lynn what's gonna be the bad effect if she doesn't do her work well that telling her what's gonna be the reward if she can do her work well.

Lynn likes to be challenged, but sometimes she hates challege. Okay! That sounds very weird now.


Strength and weakness of intuiting introvert :
  • Such a pleasure to be their bussiness partner, but they don't like talking about their personal life
  • High confidance, but their machine is too fast to drive like it has no brake
  • Attractive and aesthetic, but sometimes they're old-fashioned
  • They're good at making concept and also master their work, but they become too ignorant to their enviroment
  • Open up for different opinion, but they still stick with their own opinion
The first point's not entirely true. Some people still complain about being her bussiness partner haha, and of course Lynn never likes to talk about her personal life to her bussiness partner.

The second point's true, she's being too confidence that makes her forget how to handle the failure if she fails. The third, fourth and fifth point are true. 


Imagine This!
If you meet people who love to talk about future, from one topic to the other till their anti-mainstream style, and they always have unique hobbies.
Please welcome, Intuiting people!!! And sometimes, they're very playful. We almost miss that.
They're that kind of people when they're well-improved, they can have high creativity and innovation. Imagination that is followed by exploration and value that can make them trigger fenomenal masterpieces and valuable.
Intuiting is absolutely different!
I've told you that Lynn doesn't have high creativity and innovation. She's not really imaginative. But hey, she always dresses up uniquely.


Intuiting, the imaginative people. Guide them to be future inventor.
They like to dream, imagine and fantasize. Guide them to be pioneer of the future, give space to their imagination to create from idea to invention. Even though it is hard at the first, but they could be pride when they get nobel in the future.
I think Lynn needs to dig more about herself. What if this fact is actually true. What if someday she can be a future inventor. Who knows.


Blue is the color for intuiting, because it has energy frequency to expand, activate the intuition, and calmness. It obviously represents the character of intuiting that has breadth of knowledge, intuitive, and love being alone in the crowd. "Through the color of blue, we try had to guess the depth of ocean or the height of sky. God speaks to human through blue". Corinne Heline: 1964
Lynn's favorite colors are pink, brown, blue and grey.


The learning pattern of intuiting :
  • Bad handwriting, backward the alphabet when writing
  • Easily to recognize the lyrics
  • Exploring new enviroment intensively
  • Having hidden high spirit
  • Having a hard time to spell
  • Speaking with rhytmic pattern like poem
  • A learner that can understand big picture
  • Having fun in building their own overhaul toys
  • Playing while learning
I can no more disagree with this fact. 100% true.


Interest : Invention, entrapreneur
Pinnacle of career : Top inovator, investor
Grow meylin : (+) High, (+) Focus
Suggestion : Being sincerely
Capacity : Hold hunger
Sharpen the knife : Sharing idea movement
Change momentum : growing trendetter
Social habitat : Exclusive society
Industry habitat : Lifestyle industry
Best mentor : Te the tactical
Best support : In the supporter
income indicator : achievement, profit
give to profession : make up the idea
Callibaration : sleeping
Happy Living!

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